Round Table Games
Round Table Games - Store Customer Rewards

One of England’s most popular literary heroes is a man whose most endearing activities to his public were the robbery and killing of landowners, in particular church landowners, and the maintenance of guerrilla warfare against established authority represented by the Sheriff. A man who would now, of course, be described as a terrorist.
- Rodney Hilton, “The Origins of Robin Hood”, Past & Present #14 (Oxford University Press), 1958
2 Players
45-90 Minutes (average 67)
Type: Strategy, Wargame
Category: Medieval, Wargame
Mechanism: Area Majority/ Influence, Hidden Movement, Push Your Luck
Family: Admin, Country: England, Folk Tales & Fairy Tales: Robin Hood, Series: Irregular Conflicts Series (GMT)
Weight: Medium Light - Medium
RTG Programs
Chris' Challenge: I am free Mon 11-9, Tues 11-5, Wed 11-5, Thurs 11-5, Fri 11-9, Sat 3-6, Sun 3-6.
Let me know that you want to play and I can show you how! Email
Achievements: Yes, achieve a major victory as each of 3 personas for both Robin Hood and the Sherriff
Campaign: No
Hi Score: Yes, as Robin Hood and the Sherriff of Nottingham
League: Grand Melee Joust League
Special Prizes: No
Tournaments: No
League points (Knights get a 10% bonus)
win 6.5925
loss 3.29625
Melodice: Yes
How to Play