Round Table Games
Round Table Games - Store Customer Rewards

Joust League FAQ
A fairly common question asked is, “What night do you play game x?”
For tournaments we have specific nights.
For all other games we have our Round Table Games Joust League.
Q. What games can I play?
A. Any game you like. We have terrain and mats available for use for most miniatures games. We also have an extensive game library if you don’t want to bring a game from home. If we don’t have a specific Joust League already set up for a game it falls under the heading of our Grand Melee Joust. As soon as we get at least 3 players interested it gets it’s own league. This program also covers RPG groups.
Q. When can I play?
A. Any time you like. If you want to play on a particular table or in the back room we would need advance notice to make sure it is reserved for you.
Q. Who can I play against?
A. Anyone else in the same Joust League (Magic, Pokémon, Warhammer 40K, etc.)
Q. How do I arrange matches?
A. You can arrange them through whatever networking method works best for you, and also via our FB groups https://www.facebook.com/groups/1327309784442025, message boards https://roundtablegames.proboards.com/, and Discord server https://discord.gg/6Z8PHSn.
Q. Does it cost to play?
A. Yes. See our Table space page
Q. What do I get for playing?
A. Again, lots of moving parts to this one
League points earned are based on the complexity of the game, the average game time, and where you place in the game. Some special events may grant Joust League points
As soon as at least 4 people have played a specific game it gets its own league
If you participate in a league day you get a 10% discount on purchases made for that game on that day.
Access to our in-store game library (The Library of Alexandra)
Everyone gets RTG Reward Card stamps based on where they finish in a league
Every day you play in a Joust League you get an RTG Reward Card stamp
The top 3 players in each league get store credit based on how much league fees were taken in
$5 will be added to the prize pool per player per week they play ($2.50 if they entered league for free that week by either product purchase or free play card)
The top player in any league that has at least 4 players that have played on at least 4 different days gets a 10% discount on products AND a $5 discount on tournaments associated with that game for the following month. .
Knights of the Inner Circle earn an extra stamp every day they play a Joust League game.
Some featured games may offer additional prizes or benefits for holding top score, etc.