Round Table Games
Round Table Games - Store Customer Rewards
We use ascending AC and + to hit modifiers
We use secondary skills
We use weapon proficiencies
We allow multiple classes
We use detailed encumbrance
We use Advanced Spell Book Rules
We use the Limits on Returning from Death rules
We use variable weapon damage rules
The number of fighters that can fight side by side in a 10' wide corridor is based on the damage die their weapon uses. You can fit 16 D damage die side by side (to a max of 3 characters) e.g. 3 daggers, 2 swords, a 2-H sword and a short sword, etc.
We use side-based initiative except for those enemies engaged in melee. Individual initiative will be used to exchange blows after first contact is made.
We'll use 1" in minis scale = 3.33' in game scale (2 squares per 5', 3 squares per 10')
We allow attacking with two weapons, charging into combat, parrying, splash weapons, and subduing
We use the missile attacks on targets in melee rules
We use morale rules
We use Town services and hiring retainers (CC 2)
We allow Expanded Adventuring gear, weapons and armour if you own the book (CC 3)
Infravision is blocked by any visible light or large heat source that includes the viewer
You are either in a room or not. If you are not in the room you may not act in the first round of combat/ negotiations/ search, etc.
If you do not actively participate in an encounter, you get 0 XP from monsters & treasure for that encounter. If you are outside the room when an encounter is concluded, you have not participated.
For HP, roll 2 x your HD. If the number totaled does not equal the max # on the die, you may add them together. Otherwise take the highest roll.
Sleeping in a common area requires you to roll a d6. On a 1, snoring kept you awake and you do not gain the benefits of a full night's rest
Sharing a room requires you to roll 2d6. On 2 1's, snoring kept you awake and you do not gain the benefits of a full night's rest
Sleeping outside requires a bedroll or you do not gain the benefit of a night's rest
Healing Kit
The party may have a healer's kit. It is a non encumbering, non-carried item (more of a meta-game thing).
Collectively you may put as much gold as you like into a healer's kit at the start of a campaign or in a town. There is no max. amount that the kit can hold, but once gold goes in, it cannot be removed except to heal as shown below
At the end of a combat, a party member may spend 1 gp from the kit to regain 1 HP (max 1 pt per combat)
If someone is at 0 HP, 5gp may be spent to heal that person to 1 HP
If someone has gone to negative HP (but not -10 or lower) 5gp + 1gp per -hp may be spent from the kit and someone one must make an INT or WIS check with a penalty of how far into neg hit points the subject has fallen. On a success the subject may heal to 1HP. On a failure the subject loses 1 hp and an attempt may be made the next round if the patient is still alive
Damage from a single source that takes you from positive HP to -4 or below is deadly