Round Table Games
Round Table Games - Store Customer Rewards

What is it ? This is a weekly D&D 5E RPG run by DM Chris.
What are we playing? The Isle of Dread.
When is it? Every Monday at 6pm
Where is it? At Round Table Games, 128 Main St., Ste A., Carver, MA 02330
What does it cost? The only way to guarantee a seat is to pre-pay prior to the day of the event. We are currently limited to 6 players per session
See here for table fee information.
See here for our full reservation policy https://www.roundtablegamesma.com/rpgs Ownership of a physical copy is not a requirement for your first session, but will be required to continue to play. You must own a physical copy of any books whose content you are using. If you have purchased, or have on order, an appropriate rule or setting book from RTG, you get 1 re-roll per session.
We only allow official WotC printed rulebooks but Knights of the Inner Circle also have access to select Unearthed Arcana materials.
How can I join? Email us at roundtablegamesma@gmail.com and, as long as we have space in a game, we'll answer any questions and arrange to take a credit card for the session fee at 508-465-1671. or you can purchase a ticket in the store.
We encourage new players to watch a session first.
What do you get? See here.
Click Knights of the Inner Circle to see the several benefits they enjoy. https://www.roundtablegamesma.com/reward-programs