Round Table Games
Round Table Games - Store Customer Rewards

What is it ?
Have you ever had a game or army you wanted to get rid of? Yeah, me neither, but some of you may have unwanted games or games you want to cycle out of your library; or perhaps you want a change of soldiers to deploy for your battles.
Have a new version of an old game? Re-home the old one!
Tired of your Smurf-marines? We bet a new player will love them!
Have half a box of a starter set that you will just never use? Cut your losses!
We have developed a new program to help!
When is it?
The last Saturday of each month from 11am to 6pm (or as early or late you want to arrive/ leave)
Where is it?
Round Table Games 128 Main St., Ste. A Carver, MA 02330
What does it cost?
How does it work?
Bring any games, game supplies, terrain, armies, etc. for which you would like to find new homes
Please keep in mind table space constraints, etc.
Please make sure whatever you bring in is clean and smoke/ smell-free and ready for a shiny new owner (even if the game isn’t shiny new)
Please keep items relevant to what we play; board/card/rpg/miniatures games - no video games, game systems, sports equipment, etc.
Feel free to ask if you aren’t sure if what you have fits in with the event
Bring any games, game supplies, terrain, armies, etc. for which you would like to find new homes
You are responsible for your items while you are here. Round Table Games accepts no responsibility for missing items, unattended items, etc.
You set whatever price you want for your items
No brow-beating over price. Everyone is treated with respect. Disruption in the store will not be tolerated.
All sales must go through the register
We will take all forms of payment we do for our own items (cash, credit debit, tap to pay, etc.)
Sales tax will be charged
Please do not negotiate off-site deals
All sales are final and as is
The seller will receive store credit equal to the agreed upon sale price (store credit can typically be used for no more than 50% towards a purchase)
This requires the seller to have a free customer rewards account with Round Table Games
If Round Table Games purchases an item from a seller for store use we may offer cash for the item(s), depending on circumstances and total price
Round Table Games reserves the right to refuse any goods/ table space
Our hope is that this will benefit both the store and our gaming community.
While we have no plans to stop getting in fun and new games, there are some gems out there that may be ready to be adopted by newly interested players; and we think sharing fun is one of the best things ever.