Round Table Games
Round Table Games - Store Customer Rewards

Nemesis - Learn to Play with Chris
Fri, Jul 12
Nemesis is a 1-5 player space survival game with incredible miniatures and clever, immersive rules that include cooperation, bluffing, backstabbing, and all other elements of an iconic science-fiction horror adventure.

Time & Location
Jul 12, 2024, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Carver, 128 Main St Suite A, Carver, MA 02330, USA
About the Event
This is the first of our weekly (except the first and third week sof each monrh) Learn to Play Series of games.
Each game will be limited to the max. number of players and will be seated on a first-paid-first served basis, so sign up quickly if you are interested in playing.
It costs $15 to play ($10 if you're a Knight of the Inner Circle). The cost goes up by $5 if you do not pay before the day of the event.
Each play earns you points in our Joust Leagues and, if you are a player in one of my RPG's, a player reward stamp and points on the RPG MVP board.
In addition you get 2 RTG Reward Card Stamps (4 if you are a Knight.)
The crew wakes up from hibernation. The damage report states there is a critical system failure and the ship cannot continue its cruise. The task to find the damage, repair it and safely return to Earth. The problem: One crew member is dead. Somebody ripped open his hibernation pod and pulled his body out. To make matters worse, you can hear noises in the vast corridors of the ship. They sound unlike anything you have heard before.
When faced with ultimate horror, will you trust your crewmates?