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Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition


What is it? Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition


Join us in playing the newest version of the oldest role-playing game.

This will be a continuing campaign but open to new players as well.


When does it happen? Every Wednesday and Thursday  from 6pm to 10pm and every Friday and Saturday from 12:00 pm to 5:00pm


Where does it happen? Round Table Games at 128 Main St., Ste. A Carver, MA 02330


What does it cost? $10 per session OR a minimum $15 purchase in the store the day of the adventure 


What do you get? 4+ hours of gaming entertainment/ education

2 Quest card punches. Get 10 punches on your Quest card and you can use it for $5 off any paid tournament or event. (see!reward-programs/c1yi0 here for details)


Chivalry points (1 point for every $ spent including the session fee). These can be saved for free drinks/ snacks or discounts on products. See details here.


A noble title within our realm. Play enough and get discounts on events and products. See here


 If you are the Duke or Duchess of a game , you get a 10% discount on purchases related to that game, plus 2 free mulligans (re-rolls) during a session. Counts and Countesses get 8% and 1 free mulligan., Viscounts and Vicountesses get 6% and they can add +1 to a die roll per session. and all Barons get 4%. These discounts do not stack with other discounts, sorry. . 

You must be registered in Round Table Game's Rewards program to get the full benefits (registration is free.)




Round Table Games’ website


Round Table Games’ RPG Nobility leaderboard


Round Table Games’ rewards page


Round Table Games’ Facebook Page


Round Table Games’ RPG Facebook Group


Round Table Games’ message boards


Round Table Games’ RPG message board


Official D&D 5e page


Reserve your spot in the game by going here.


D&D Adventures League

Prestige Rewards


By playing the same character you accrue prestige iover time equal to the number of hours you have played the character.  Prestige earnes you the benefits listed below.

hours played by character (prestige)benefit (cumulative)

16  free cure wounds 1/session

20  10% off items

32  free identify 1/session

36  free lesser restoration 1/session

40  free hireling service 1/ session

44  25% off items

48  free 2nd level prayer of healing 1/session (combining all characters' prestige)

52  free remove curse 1/session

56  free speak with dead 1/session

60  free hireling/ follower

64  free training with 1 set of tools or kit

68  +1 weapon or +1 shield

72  free divination 1/session

76  free greater restoration 1/session

80  choose one: cloak of elvenkind, cloak of protection, cloak of the manta ray, cloak of the mountebank, slippers of spiderclimb

92  choose one: ring of resistance, ring of warmth, ring of animal influence, ring of mind shielding, ring of evasion

96  50% off items

100  +1 armor

112  free raise dead once

128  free resurrection once

192  free true resurrection once

  • Some of these may seem draconic but they come from doing this for many years.  The goal is to have fun and join in one of the most unique gaming experiences available, a shared game of the imagination.  please re-check these on occasion as they may be changed or adjusted.

  • These rules apply to all 5th edition games being run by Round Table Games

  • There is a table fee of $10 per session but this is waived with a $15 in-store purchase the day of the event.  You get 2 Quest card punches per session.  A filled Quest card is worth $5 off any event we host, whether it's an RPG session, a game night or a tournament.

  • You have to bring a physical copy (or purchase one) for any resource you want to use (for example if all of your character options are from the free rules you are good, PHB requires a PHB, Volo’s race requires Volo’s Guide, etc.) There are no pdf versions of these products allowed for in-store use.  If you wish to just use the basic rules for character creation they can be found here for free 

  • No cell phones, tablets or laptops at the table.  Sorry but they are just way too distracting.  Running a D&D 5E character is relatively straight forward and anything you need should be on your character sheet or in your rule book(s).  If you need to take a call or handle something personal, please step away from the table.  We will never begrudge you  needing to handle real life and you can jump back in as soon as you are through.

  • If you miss more than half the rounds of an encounter (by physically not being at the table) you will only get 1/2 the XP and treasure for the encounter, and give up any right to claim magic items unless the party decides you are the best recipient.

  • Please submit your full character (including all gear, ideals, flaws, etc.) to the DM as soon as possible.  It will prevent game delays and allow other people to make decisions for their characters.

  • No Unearthed Arcana options are currently allowed.

  • Try not to mix player and character knowledge.  It's more fun that way!  This includes looking up monster information and changing characters specifically based on what you have encountered.

  • You can change characters between adventure sessions but there is a benefit to continuing with the same character as detailed here under Prestige Rewards.  New characters start with 0 prestige and the base level XP as determined by the DM

  • You can earn inspiration by roleplaying your ideals, bonds and flaws, but also by unlocking achievements in the game (each achievement can only be earned by a character once, but multiple achievements can be earned in a game)

  • If you are the Duke or Duchess of a game , you get a 10% discount on purchases related to that game, plus 2 free mulligans (re-rolls) during a session. Counts and Countesses get 8% and 1 free mulligan., Viscounts and Viscountesses get 6% and they can add +1 to a die roll per session. and all Barons get 4%. These discounts do not stack with other discounts, sorry. .
    You must be registered in Round Table Game's Rewards program to get the full benefits (registration is free.)

  • If you have played the most RPG hours in a month you win a free Grail card (worth 11 free snacks and/or drinks)

D&D 5E at RTG rules

D&D Classic

D&D Classic


What is it? Dungeons & Dragons Classic

We will be playing through the original modules using the original D&D Basic rules (The box set (not the Dr. Holmes edition), BECMI and the Rules Cyclopedia as references.

Experience is not necessary and we'll teach you to play like they did in 1981.

When does it happen? Every Tuesday from 6pm to 10pm

Where does it happen? Round Table Games at 128 Main St., Ste. A Carver, MA 02330

What does it cost? $5 per session OR a minimum $10 purchase in the store the day of the adventure IF you register at least 1 day before the event; ticket prices double the day of the event if there are spaces available. (a $15 purchase in the store the day of the adventure waives the table fee if you did not preregister). Keep in mind many events have a table cap and if you do not preregister a space is not guaranteed.


What do you get? 4+ hours of gaming entertainment/ education


1 Quest card punch. Get 10 punches on your Quest card and you can use it for $5 off any paid tournament or event. (see!reward-programs/c1yi0 here for details)


Chivalry points (1 point for every $ spent including the session fee). These can be saved for free drinks/ snacks or discounts on products. See details here.


A noble title within our realm. Play enough and get discounts on events and products.


If you are the Duke or Duchess of a game , you get a 10% discount on purchases related to that game. Counts and Countesses get 8%, Viscounts and Vicountesses get 6% and all Barons get 4%. These discounts do not stack with other discounts, sorry. .


You must be registered in Round Table Game's Rewards program to get the full benefits (registration is free.)


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