Round Table Games
Round Table Games - Store Customer Rewards

Shatterpoint Legacy Joust League
You can play any day you like but Fridays is Star Wars Shatterpoint Joust League Day and you earn extra points when you play on Fridays
League Rules
No proxies allowed
You can play a unique opponent only once per week for league points (specific to this exact league)
Standard League play is a best of 3 struggle using the Shifting Priorities Mission Card
If one of your units is eliminated from play you may not use that same team configuration during the current league period
Earning League Points
Play a League game = 1 point
Play on League Day (Friday) = 1 point
Win a League game = 1 point
There will be an addition to your score depending on if the mission went 2-0 or 2-1
Teach someone new to play Shatterpoint = 1 point
Have a completely based and painted Strike force = 1 point (can only be earned once per unique strikeforce per 8 week league)
Knights of the Inner Circle earn 1 league point each 8-week league